Sarah Curts – How To Use Rejection To Your Advantage

Sarah Curts – How To Use Rejection To Your Advantage

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“Rejection still has an impact on me, but you always have the choice to open up rather than shrink. When people reject you, get bigger.”

Sarah Curts was (and still is) a massage therapist, but in 2009 she had what she calls a dramatic psychic awakening.

Today she runs a company called Body Insights, which allows her to actively shift stagnant energy on both physical and emotional levels and address the hangups individuals aren’t able to see clearly on their own, or address trauma being stored in the body.

Sarah also teaches several acclaimed workshops — on everything from aging, to money, to life purpose — but I asked if she’d be open to an interview because of a specific workshop she teaches on how to ask useful questions.

I’ve always been skeptical of psychics, but Sarah is different — her insight is both intuitive and grounded. We start today’s episode by talking about the negative connotations the word “psychic” carries, and why she’s looking for a better word that encompasses the unique work that she does.

By the end of today’s episode, you will know:

1) How to use rejection to your advantage (and why the fear of rejection can be as debilitating as the fear of dying)

2) What exact questions you should ask to reduce your stress and grow your confidence

3) Why it’s a bad idea to only focus on the positive

4) How to manage the critic in your head that says you should always be busy or productive

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